Monday, December 17, 2007

Dick Moe, Scully Prize recipient

There has been a rather exciting development in the world of preservation. Dick Moe, president here at the National Trust has just been awarded the Vincent Scully Prize. Mr. Moe is in a rather elite group. In the past 9 nine years the award has been given to the likes of Jane Jacobs, Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, His Highness the Aga Khan, and HRH the Prince Charles.

Perhaps what is most exciting about this recent honor is that Mr. Moe took this opportunity to publicly launch the Sustainability Initiative at the National Trust. (Click here to link to his speech)

When I started here at the Trust almost 2 years ago this was still in its infancy. In the last 2 years the momentum has been building and great things are beginning to happen. It is gratifying to finally find that this niche in the preservation and green movements is finding its voice. In addition to the launch of the initiative a coalition has been organised to work with the USGBC, which wasn't even a glimmer in Rick Fedrizzi's eye 15 years ago when I started my research.

For a long time I have thought that this was coming and now here we are - in a moment when we find that there is a lot more work to do, but we have the expertise of many preservation and architecture professionals clambering to participate. So if you get the feeling that I am feeling vindicated you would be right. I guess that this follows on the day I successfully sat my doctoral defense - it feels good to be validated!

What I will attempt to do in the coming year is to provide suggestions for you to make real changes to improve your home environment. Until then - let's celebrate bringing preservation and sustainability out of the closet!

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